Mireya went to school at Art Center College And Design at Pasadena, California. I think I imagine the school with people drawing and dancing, filming and all kinds of art. At first she wanted to be a lawyer. But she realized that she was interested in graphic design. That's okay because she said you will be interested in many things. Besides she is doing great with the job she has now. After all my goal is to be a 3-D graphic designer. I can see myself working with others, and listening to different ideas. I first thought about being a evil scientist okay back on topic. She got her Bachelors degree of fine arts. Her career is Graphic Design, and works at "Phi Design." Did you know that Mireya has her own company? That must be hard handling all that. Sitting down thinking of ideas for a logo. Because she has her own business she has two parts of her job. She has the create part and the business part. She tells the client when the project is going to be done, and how much it's going to cost. A interesting fact about her is she works out of her own home instead of a big building. That's better than being in a small room, with a lot of people. Inside of a small office. Let me explain its like your at a concert, and there's a barely any room. She designs business bill boards logos, and a lot more. That's cool making all that those logos and bill boards. She is proud of every thing she does. That's good to be happy of what you do. Instead of being mad in a job that your not interested in. A graphic designer has a lot to do, and thinking of a logo will take a long time. Can you imagine sitting there sketching, and drawing erasing over, and over again? By this time you think she might have thrown something out the window? I think she deserves an award. She says some projects are better than the last. Thats okay because, your putting forth your best effort. That's better than saying well that's good enough. Mireya also said that if you say that over, and over all your work is gonna be sloppy. I can see why that's bad I mean having a logo that's bad, and in public that could destroy you. She said art, and design are different they are different because art is creative, and design is logos. Like art is performance, and design is like a Nikes. Her college focuses on film car design, and basically anything with art. I would like to go there because, I love art and film I make small videos for my family. I can see myself in my room on the floor drawing or thinking for ideas for a new video. She works better with a pencil instead of technology. She says when you write or draw it shows your personality, and it shows creativity. She works on many different projects at the same time! When we were interviewing her she was working on a project! Can you imagine just sitting doodling waiting for a idea? There you go those are some things I have learned. Stay tuned bye!
Angel A.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Need help with a logo Mireya can design you one!
Hello today we have interviewed Mireya. It is a part of "We've Got Our I's On Carrers ." Today we are with our very first graphic designer named Mireya.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Need help with Educreations Chris will help
Hello today I interviewed Chris he is the Co-Founder of Educreations. This blog is a part of "We've Got Our I's On Careers." Here are some of the things I have learned from Chris.
Chris went to University of California at Berkeley. He got his degree in Computer Sceince.Chris is the Co-Founder of Educreations. He said he was inspired by many people but mostly his 6th grade teacher. His 6th grade teacher encouraged him to use computers and video editing. Some other things that inspired him are Khan Academy. He made Educreations so that students that who need help can watch how to do it. He said when he was in school he had friends that could use a little extra help. The teacher was to busy to help them. His idea for Educreations started while he was working at a computer company. He wasn't having a good time and he wanted to do something more interesting. He has a gym a ping pong table, and a basket ball course for his employe's. So that they can have a healthy brain to keep them focus. Chris also believe's that you should enjoy were you are working. He's planning on improving Educreations by saving you're work in progress, so that you can back and finish it. Notice he did not say when it will be revealed. He gets user feedback to see how you are using the app, and what needs to be improved.
Chris has to do a lot of computer programming. He said learning computer programming is just like learning another language. Chris said a lot of the programming is mostly based on mathematical answers. Educreations is a place where anyone can create video lessons. We use Educreations in my class uses it every day. It is really easier to make the video instead of explaining it to the class. Well I would like to thank Chris. For taking his time and letting us interview him. I'll write to you next time stay tuned!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Need some one to look after your work Jackie's here to help
Hello today we have interviewed Jackie, and it's a apart of "We've Got Our I's On Careers." Jackie is a Associate Director Of Student Media At Clemson University. Here are some things I have learned from Jackie.
Jackie likes working with college students. She said that the students are fun and interesting. She said they are intresting because they are learning about themselves. Jackie said her inspiration was Scott to become a journalist. He inspired her because he helped her get to where she is now. Part of her job is to critique the students work in the newspaper. Critique means to review other peoples work. Jackie said reviewing your work is very important some times your first idea is not always your best idea. She said to make sure all of your facts are correct. When she works four people have to check her work. She said when ever you publish something that is incorrect, it's hard to get it back and your reputation can be damaged. You could even be sued. It's really really important that you triple check your work before you publish it. Her advice for her students was to reread there work and ask themselves how do you know it. Jackie thinks we should get a mentor. Because a mentor could help keep you going in the right path. Well I will like to say thanks to Jackie for taking her time and letting us interview her. Stay tuned till next time!
Behind the idea of a pharmacist with Samantha
This is my ninth blog, and it is a part of "We've Got Our Eyes On Careers." It is with a pharmacist named Samantha. Here is what I learned.
Samantha went to school at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Thats where she earned doctor of pharmacy that is a graduate degree. She had to take specific classes in biology and medical science to join the school of Pharmacy. Her job is like a safety officer. Nurses and doctors call her, and then she picks the right and safe medicine. She also tells the nurses the safe mixture of different types of medicine. So the patients become safe and healthy again. Every medication in the hospital is her responsibility. Her first job of the day is to check and make sure the medicine that's in the technicians is correct. Her advice is for my class is to remember to ask for help when you need it. Thank you for viewing my blog. I hope you learned something new stay tuned!
Friday, November 8, 2013
If you are out of style don't worry Elizabeth has got your back
Hi this is my eight blog post and it is with a fashion designer and my teachers sister Elizabeth. Yes again it is a part of "We've Got Our I's In Careers." Here are some things that Elizabeth has told me.
Elizabeth went to Indiana University and got her degree in fashion design and costume construction technology. She said she went there because they had a big art program. The most important thing she learned in college was "Know your learning style. If you work well by being hands down on research and find what Universities offer small, learning by doing classes. You will be suprised that large Universities have these opportunities". Elizabeth got her job in Executive Manager of P.R and Business Development at Christian Cota. Her advice for "The Class Of 2025" is " My advice is too be opened-minded. When I began my first job, my undergraduate degree wasn't in communications or marketing, but this is what my job entailed. I was intimidated at first, but soon realized I was in a good position - I was open to learning how to do my job. This led me to being a better problem solver, more creative and more motivated to get the job done"! Well Thanks for viewing my blog and don't forget to stay tuned for more.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Feeling down don't worry Myron will build you up
This is my seventh blog post and it's a part of "We've Got Our I's On Careers" and it's with Myron the a Constroction Managment and a Life Fitness Worker. Here are some things that Mryon has told me.
Myron has two companies. His two companies are Constroction Managment and Life Fitnees Worker. He is a graduet from Michigan State University while he was there he had to look over his little sister even though he said he didn't want to he did.I think the reason he picked M.S.U is because he said he was looking for a school with a big constroction plan. He also went to several different colleges to earn several different degrees. And after he finished M.S.U he moved to Los Angeles he went to New York. And that's how he became what he Is now. When he was a kid his parents told him that he was going to go to school and it wasn't a choice. Also when he was a kid he made Lego cities with poptart boxes. A quistion I asked him was "Is it hard keeping both of the businesses on track?" His answer was yes he said that it is hard getting both companies the attraction they need. He also said that he was planning on closing the Life Fitnees career because not it wasn't getting the attention it needed. His advice for us was "Decide what you want to do when you grow up. Then share that with some one you trust. Finnally get support from as many people as possible". Thank you Myron for the advice and your time tune in every one for my next blog post.
-Angel A
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Come inside with the Real Estate Agent Leigh
This is my sixth blog and it's a part of "We've Got Our I's On Careeers." But it's with Leigh the Real Estate Agent. Here are some of the things that I learned from Leigh.
Leigh helps people buy or sell houses. She got her degree in Business Administration. Did you know that she went to UNC. The most important thing she learned in college was that "the degree itself was less important then the experience of who I am." Her advice for the Class Of 2025 is "You don't have to be what others want you to. Also it's okay to change your mind. Did you know that she had four different jobs before the one she has now. She first started school at Florida then she moved and her career got restarted all over. And she was working a full time job at the same time! Did you know that Leigh doesn't like to be bossed around. She wants to be the boss of her self. She said that she moved to many different places. An interesting fact about Leigh is she grew up on a farm. She tried beigning a Broker but she didn't like it. At first she wanted to get a degree in music but she realized she wasn't that good. The most important thing that I learned was it's okay to make mistakes. Because I make mistakes a lot. Will thanks for taking a look at my blog stay tuned!
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